Tips for Marathon Runners.
Tips for Marathon Runners THere is energy in New York City this weekend. The TCS New York City Marathon will be held on Sunday 11/1/15. With over 50,000 runners participating, below are a few tips on how to remain healthy and avoid injuries. “Good Luck, runners!” Shoes and Socks. Select the shoes–and the socks–you’ll wear […]
The Truth about Turmeric.
The Truth about Turmeric. Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. Many high quality studies show that it has major benefits for your body and brain. “Where Can I Buy Turmeric?” Turmeric has Powerful Medicinal Properties Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color and it has been used in […]
Anti-Inflammatory Diet.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet The Anti-Inflammatory Diet is not a diet in the popular sense – it is not intended as a weight-loss program (although people can and do lose weight on it), nor is it an eating plan to stay on for a limited period of time. Chronic inflammation is becoming known as the root cause […]
Workout While You Travel.
When you’re traveling for work, you can stick to your fitness routine. Use these simple travel workout tips to maintain your fitness program. If work keeps you frequently away from home, you know how challenging it can be to maintain your fitness program. Travel time and meetings might leave little room in your schedule for […]
Exercise Myths for Women.
Exercising these days can be very tough, especially when you aren’t seeing the results you would like. Many people are killing themselves at the gym and in various classes or engaging in very restrictive and sometimes unhealthy diets. Many women believe that lifting heavy weights: – makes them bulky – is dangerous – is bad […]
Exercises for Each Decade.
When it comes to staying healthy and fit, there is no magic pill or potion. Every medication has its therapeutic dosing. And this is no different for exercise. You may not be able to exercise when you’re 65 the way you did when you were 20. Below is a basic guide of what to focus […]
Treatments for Knee Arthritis.
You probably found this page because one of our subscribers used MailChimp to send you an email campaign, and you traced a link in the email back here to investigate. MailChimp is an email-marketing service that serves more than 12 million companies of all shapes and sizes, from all over the world. We send more […]
Supplements 101.
Supplements 101. “Supplements can enhance a diet where there are shortfalls, but a handful of vitamin, mineral or other dietary supplements can never take the place of a healthy diet” – American Dietetic Association (ADA) Visiting your health food store can be overwhelming Before starting any supplements regimen, it’s best to consult a doctor or […]
Health and Wellness Topics (Corrected Hyperlink).
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The Truth about Protein.
What Are Protein Powders? The three common ones are whey, soy, and casein protein. Whey the most commonly used, a complete protein (contain all 9 essential amino acids) Soy It’s possible to build complete protein from plant-based foods by combining legumes, nuts, and grains But you’ll need to consume 20 to 25 percent more plant-based […]